Thursday, April 7, 2011


BT 379: Plant Ecology and Phytogeography
GE 247: Population Studies
GE 350: Environmental Policy and Planning
LL 273: French African Literature I
WS 202: Biology of Birds
WS 204: Community-Based Conservation and Extension
WS 312: Legislation for Wildlife Conservation

Plus one month of intensive Swahili tutoring (supposedly 3 hours a day, five days a week? It’s yet to start though, so we’ll see what actually comes of it). I’m not sure about my French class because so far it only has been empty seminar rooms and no lectures, so I must be doing something wrong there. The timetable for classes is only on “Rough Draft #3” though, meaning things are still in the air. I’ll figure it out eventually.

Classrooms here are basic, but get the job done. I’ve been spoiled at NMU with our wifi, laptops, projectors, constant supply of electricity, ceilings that keep out the rain, heh. Each class I’m taking has a lecture hour and then either a three hour lab or seminar session. So taking seven classes really isn’t much, because they only meet twice a week. UDSM turns 50 this year, and that seems to be the same amount of time since any equipment has been given to their sciences department.  Being me though, I’ve been finding the use of chalkboards endearing and the old wooden desks quaint and attractive. Some of the lecture rooms have sparrows nesting along the open windows - their calls echoing through the room in competition with the lecturer, and never failing to distract yours truly. A few other buildings are on a hill that overlooks the city and on clear days you can see out to the ocean. I dig it.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're doing awesome, Lauren. When I'm back in a classroom again, I'm definitely going to be daydreaming about those sparrows.
